these piecesare some paintings for the upcoming show on December 11, 2010 at 7:00PM - 11:00PM
I thought it would be fun to do an Alfred Hitchcock series square format posters...I'm a big fan...
these pieces are 3X3 inches
really nice. I'd love to see all of them.
Cool! I love Hitchcock. Please do Psycho!
so great Lorelay!
love it!
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Wonderful style! I never would have guessed that this was so small - you've fit so much detail into this tiny canvas! Wonderful colors and lighting.
Oh I love the clothes in this movie ;) Great work!
This is beautiful, Lorelay :)!
Todas las películas de Hitchcock cuentan con abundantes escenas inolvidables. Esta de los pajaros en el columpio es tremenda. Es un momento de máxima tensión, mientras se reagrupan para volver a la carga.
Entretanto la pobre protagonista sola y sin saber a donde ir.
Me encantará ver tus pinceladas en otros trabajos del maestro.
Woah...Wonderful colors and composition! Very nice!
Lorelay this is just a terrific salute to the master and one of his icy muses! Can't wait to see this and the rest of them at the gallery, hoping for some 'North by Northwest' myself!
I love these! I remember the Hitchcock paintings you did years ago! Whens the show?
Uhh! These are amazing!! Love Hitchcock!! Can't wait to see the rest!! maybe North by Northwest?!!
These are really beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, these are great!!
These looks so amazing I cannot wait to see them in person.
estan son la leche! OH-MAZING....! <3
Lorelay, these are great! It's amazing how well you were able capture the spirit and charm of these films so precisely, even on the tiniest canvas.
Awesome inspiring stuff!
These are amazing, especially The Birds.
Thanks everyone!!!!
bua Lorelay, son increibles!!
What a great theme! + nice compositions. can't wait to see these little ones in person this weekend. Can't believe they're 3x3
very nice.
They are all fantastic but I realy LOVE the birds.
I want to do the whole collection but the show is tomorrow! I hope that some of you can make it:)
Fantastic work, as usual!
Oh! Lorelay this serie is amazing! I especially love rear window. Which was and still is one of my favorite films!
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